Yes to financing your small business.
Yes to using technology to help you grow.
Yes to harnessing the power of Europe by embracing our diversity.
“It’s easy to hear the word “No” from a bank. Small businesses hear it often while asking for financial help. I heard it myself from my bank, despite being their loyal customer for years. When I asked for a loan to help grow my business, their response shocked me. The bank told me that they would only lend me money if I already had plenty of it. So, in other words, “NO”.
It just didn’t make sense to me. If I already had the money I needed, why would I be asking for a loan in the first place? Yet, that’s how banks work- they hold power, they make the customer take all of the risks, and they are only there for you when you no longer need them.
After that experience, everything became clear: we needed something better, something designed for entrepreneurs and not for the wealthy. We needed an alternative to banks.
I began to liquidate my bank account and give Factris all that I had in order to help businesses access capital when it’s needed the most.
Since then, Factris has been able to achieve what was once thought to be impossible: Place the strength, expertise and resources of an international financial company straight into the hands of local, hard-working entrepreneurs throughout Europe. No more faceless financiers pulling strings and holding all the aces. At last, financing that small businesses can access quickly and easily.
That’s why Factris is here: to be there for you as you grow your small business.”
– Brian Reaves, CEO of Factris